
Austria has been a place of living faith for over 1,000 years and is home to unique cultural treasures.

Our expertise in planning, organizing and conducting pilgrimages will make your visit to sacred and powerful places an unforgettable experience.

Our offers will take you to the most important places of pilgrimage in the country, including Magna Mater Austriae (Mariazell), Maria Taferl, Heiligenblut and Göttweig.

We also offer interesting thematic tours, e.g. "In the footsteps of Maria Teresia Ledóchowska", "Hidden church jewel in downtown Vienna"(Stanislaus Kostka) or a thematic tour on Klemens Maria Hofbauer.

Our offers are bookable for groups of 10 people or more.

Stift Melk & Wachau

Ein Besuch im Stift Melk ist ein „heiliges Fest“. Die Anlage ist ein Meisterwerk des Barocks, das älteste und größte Benediktinerensemble Österreichs …

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